asked the Taoiseach whether it was with his knowledge and consent that the Minister for Agriculture recently contributed an article as "Éire's Minister for Agriculture" to a British newspaper which has been banned in this country by the Censorship of Publications Board as being a periodical publication which is usually or frequently indecent or obscene; and whether in view of this occurrence he will suggest to the Minister in question that it is not in keeping with his position as a member of the Government to lend his name or to permit his ministerial position to be used to increase or maintain the circulation of a periodical of this character.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Article in Banned Newspaper.
I understand that the Minister for Agriculture was asked by the newspaper referred to for an interview on the question of food supplies. A prepared statement was furnished by the Minister on this topic of current interest. Interviews granted to newspapers here or abroad in no way imply approval or disapproval of the morals, politics or literary qualities of the newspaper seeking the interview.
Will the Taoiseach not agree that if a paper is not fit for the Irish people to read, it is not fit for an Irish Minister to contribute a special article to?
Do not burst with sanctimoniousness.
I am not sanctimonious, but, with due respect to the Minister for Agriculture, I think it was a disgrace even for him.
Look at the face of sanctimonious hypocrisy.