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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 5 Apr 1951

Vol. 125 No. 2

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Pay of Workers on Army Ranges and Lands.

asked the Minister for Defence if he will state whether he is prepared to equate the rate of pay of workers on the various ranges and lands under his control to the county council rate for the county in which they are working.

The rates of pay of workers on the various military ranges (range wardens) are determined having regard to the nature and extent of the duties in each case. The rates of pay of workers employed on military lands (herds, land stewards and caretakers) are related to the appropriate minimum rates as laid down by the Agricultural Wages Board for agricultural workers. I consider this arrangement equitable and satisfactory and, accordingly, I do not propose to equate the rates of pay of the workers in question to the county council labourers' rate for the county in which they are serving.

Is the Minister aware that his Department is the only Department of State which is not paying the county council rate of wages in Cork County at least?
