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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 27 Jun 1951

Vol. 126 No. 4

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Refrigerator Plant on Irish Boats.

asked the Minister for Industry and Commerce if he is aware that the members of the Waterford City Harbour Board are anxious that provision should be made by Irish Shipping Limited, in their newly-constructed 1,200-ton boats built for coastal trade, for the transport of chilled meat to Britain; and, if so, if he will indicate to Irish Shipping, Limited, that the provision of refrigerator plant is most desirable and in the public interest in view of the great benefit that an extension of this trade would mean for the exporters, leather trade and cattle dealers generally.

I understand that the two coastal vessels at present under construction by Irish Shipping, Limited, are designed as colliers and that it would not be feasible to use them for the purpose proposed in the question.

The difficulty in the development of the fresh chilled meat trade through the shortage of suitable shipping is under active consideration.

Is it not so that one or two refrigeration ships for this trade are in process of charter?

Not yet.

Are not there records that they are, unless you have lost them?
