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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 11 Jul 1951

Vol. 126 No. 9

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - County Cork Cottage Building.

asked the Minister for Local Government if application has been made by Cork County Council for sanction of an Order known as Cork County Council Compulsory Purchase (Labourers Acts) (No. 1) Order, 1951, for the acquisition of lands for the building of cottages; and, if so, whether he is prepared to give immediate sanction.

The sites mentioned in this Order, which is unopposed, will be inspected within the next 14 days. A decision will issue as soon as possible thereafter.

Considering that such an Order could have been made within six weeks after it had been issued, would it not be possible now, seeing that the Order was submitted, as far as I know, on 24th April, that this important work of the acquisition of land by the Cork County Council could be pursued without further delay? Will the Minister inform us as to why there should be such delay over this important work?

The right of occupation had not expired until well into the month of May. The reply which I have given to the Deputy is, I think, reasonable and says that there will be no undue delay in dealing with this matter.

I presume the Minister is aware that it is only a matter of procedure according to law to advertise, in so far as it was known that there were no objections forthcoming to this because it was by consent with the owners that the council got this land. The council asked the Minister to give sanction for the acquisition of this land so that they can build within a matter of months and not be required to wait for long periods. I ask that the matter would be expedited.

I have told the Deputy that inspection will take place within 14 days and that there will be no further delay.
