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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 23 Jul 1952

Vol. 133 No. 11

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Erection of Mayo Doctor's Residence.

asked the Minister for Health if he will state if any progress has been made towards the erection of the doctor's residence in the Knocknalower dispensary area, Belmullet, County Mayo, and if he will take the necessary steps to hasten the erection of this residence in view of the fact that parts of Knocknalower area are over 20 miles from Belmullet town in which the dispensary doctor resides.

The erection of a doctor's residence in the Knocknalower Dispensary area, Belmullet, County Mayo, is a matter for the Mayo Public Assistance Authority in the first instance. The Mayo Public Assistance Authority propose to provide a dispensary residence in this dispensary district and on the 14th July, 1949, my Department approved of the acquisition of a site and intimated that it would not be necessary to submit any further documents to the Department in connection with the erection of the residence. A specimen schedule of accommodation was enclosed for the information of the Public Assistance Authority.

On 17th September, 1951, I was informed by the Public Assistance Authority that it had not been found possible to acquire the site by agreement and that proceedings for its compulsory acquisition were about to be instituted. Inquiries as to the present position were addressed to the public assistance authority on the 5th April and on the 1st instant. So far a reply has not been received.

asked the Minister for Health if he will state if there is any prospect of the doctor's residence being erected in the near future at Ballyeroy, County Mayo; if he is aware that the site for this residence has been obtained for some years and if, in view of the fact that part of the area is about 18 miles from Malranny, where the dispensary doctor now resides, he will ensure that no further delay is allowed to hold up this work.

Sanction to the acquisition of a site for a combined dispensary and dispensary residence at Ballycroy was conveyed to the local authority on the 17th December, 1951. I understand that the local authority have not yet completed arrangements for the purchase of the site, but I have asked them to expedite the matter.
