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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 20 Nov 1952

Vol. 134 No. 14

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Pig and Bacon Export Prices.

asked the Minister for Agriculture if he will state (a) the price per cwt. paid by the British Ministry of Food to the Pigs and Bacon Commission, during the last six months, for each of the following: (1) live pigs, (ii) pork, and (iii) bacon, exported, and (b) the price per cwt. paid by the Pigs and Bacon Commission to the exporters of (i) live pigs, (ii) pork, and (iii) bacon.

Mr. Walsh

As regards (a), I informed the Deputy on 9th July that it is not the practice to publish details of price agreements with the British Ministry of Food, such as the Pigs and Bacon Agreement of 1951.

As regards (b), the schedules of prices receivable by exporters of live pigs and pork carcases were published on 9th April, 29th May and 2nd August last; I am sending copies of the schedules to the Deputy. As regards bacon, a small quantity of gammons only has been exported at a standard price of 328/- per cwt. f.o.b.

Is it possible at all to get a copy of this "secret" agreement?

Mr. Walsh

A copy of the agreement? No, it is not the custom to publish agreements made between countries.

The position at the moment is that there is a levy on live pigs to subsidise the price of bacon——

Mr. Walsh

There is no levy anywhere.

——and a threat to apply the same to beef and cattle.

Mr. Walsh

There is no levy.
