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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 4 Feb 1953

Vol. 136 No. 1

Sir Patrick Dun's Hospital Bill, 1953— Report from the Examiner of Private Bills.

I move:

That, pursuant to Standing Order 57 of the Standing Orders of the Dáil and the Seanad relative to Private Business the report be referred to the Joint Committee on Standing Orders.

What does this motion refer to? Is the report going to be printed and circulated? I could not hear the Leas-Cheann Comhairle.

The motion is that the report be referred to the Joint Committee on Standing Orders.

That is the usual procedure.

The item which appears on the Order Paper before me is "Report from the Examiner of Private Bills that in the case of the applicationfor leave to introduce the Sir Patrick Dun's Hospital Bill, 1953, the Standing Orders have not been complied with". Is that what the Leas-Cheann Comhairle is reporting, that the Standing Orders have not been complied with?

The motion is to refer the report of the Examiner to the Joint Committee on Standing Orders.

When it is not in order?

The Deputy had better look up the Standing Orders.

The Bill has to be examined and put in order. They may waive the Standing Order.

This is a motion to refer the Bill back to the Joint Committee?

To refer the Examiner's report to the Joint Committee on Standing Orders.

The simplest Deputy in this House is entitled to ask what the meaning of the business before the House is. As the simplest Deputy in this House, would somebody tell me what is the result of the motion being moved by the Leas-Cheann Comhairle?

The result is that the report of the Examiner is being referred to the Joint Committee on Standing Orders, which has power to waive the Standing Order or any Standing Order.

Surely before such a motion is put, the House is entitled to know why it is not in order. If it is a technicality——

This is the report of the Examiner and it is going to the committee.

Surely the Chief Whip of the Opposition Party and an ex-Minister ought to make themselves familiar with the Standing Orders relative to Private Bills?

I know what the Standing Order provides.

I understand that the Standing Orders in this case have not been complied with since the notice setting out the subject matter of the Bill was not published once in each of two successive weeks in some newspapers circulating or published in the area referred to.

Now we know where we are. We would have agreed earlier if the Minister for Finance had not intervened.

Read the little brown book.

Question agreed to.
