I move:—
That a supplementary sum not exceeding £5,000 be granted to defray the Charge which will come in course of payment during the year ending on the 31st day of March, 1953, for the Salaries and Expenses of the Office of the Minister for Education and for expenses connected with the Council of Education.
The original Estimate of £26,000 for the travelling and incidental expenses of the inspection and organising staff falls short of the expenditure as now estimated by about £7,000. Of this, about £4,000 is attributable to a rise in the cost of travelling and an increase in the amount of travelling. The balance, £3,000 is attributable to increases in the motor mileage and subsistance allowances payable to civil servants travelling on official business. These increases were announced last January, and take effect as from 1st October, 1952, and 1st April, 1952, respectively.
There are savings totalling £2,000 on other sub-heads, so that the net amount to be provided now is £5,000.