asked the Minister for Industry and Commerce if and when the E.S.B. propose connecting the site of the Clady River development scheme with the main electricity supply.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Clady River Development Scheme.
I am informed by the E.S.B. that in the normal way the siteof the Clady river development scheme would not be connected to the main electricity supply until the scheme had been completed and electricity was being generated by it. Consideration is, however, at present being given to the question of bringing a connection to the site from the main system to assist in the construction of the project.
Could the Minister give any indication as to when there will be a connection between the site and the main supply?
No. It is entirely a matter for E.S.B. administration.
Would not such a connection be necessary to develop the site?
I could not offer an opinion on that. The E.S.B. informed me that they are considering the desirability.
I think it would be essential that they should have it prior to letting for contract.