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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 30 Jun 1953

Vol. 140 No. 1

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Examinations for Clerical Officer Posts.

asked the Minister for Social Welfare if he will state how many candidates competed in the last confined examination for posts as clerical officer in his Department, how many candidates qualified, how many were called for appointment, and whether it is proposed to call additional candidates from the examination, and, if so, how many.

One hundred and fifty-four candidates sat for the competitive examination for clerical officer posts held in December, 1950, and confined to temporary clerks recruited for service in employment exchanges.

Sixty-eight candidates were declared qualified and of these 28 have so far been appointed clericalofficers. Three further candidates are in course of clearance by the Civil Service Commissioners.

Appointments of candidates to permanent posts depend among other things on the occurrence of suitable vacancies and it is not possible therefore at this stage to say whether any further candidates will be called from this examination.

Would the Minister ask the Minister for Social Welfare to bear in mind that many of those who qualified in the examination had considerable temporary service and will probably not have another opportunity of qualifying for established appointments? Bearing that fact in mind, will he request the Minister to give sympathetic consideration to the question of extending the list still further?

I will bring the matter to the attention of the Minister.
