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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 2 Dec 1954

Vol. 147 No. 10

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - County Council Cottages.

asked the Minister for Local Government whether he will introduce proposals for legislation to give the same benefits as were included in post-1951 purchase schemes by way of reduced purchase annuities to occupiers of county council cottages in whom the cottages were vested prior to 1951.

There are no proposals for amending legislation on this matter under consideration at present in my Department and I have received no such proposals from housing authorities or other representative bodies.

The proposal made by way of Order in 1951 by the then Minister for Local Government in respect of the year 1950 did not originate with the local authorities but with the Minister for Local Government. Would it not be correct to ask the Minister to consider this matter in the same way as the Minister did in 1951?

I understand that representations were made to the then Minister but no pressure was brought to bear from bodies representing tenants to have legislation enacted for the purpose the Deputy suggests.

In view of the fact that such advantages have now been given to tenants who did not up to that time sign forms for the purchase of cottages, is it not only fair to ask that the same advantage be given to the people who did sign?

If they make representations to me, I will consider it.
