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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 9 Mar 1955

Vol. 149 No. 2

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Land Acquisition and Division.

asked the Minister for Lands whether the Land Commission have yet prepared a scheme for the division of Mr. John McNaughton's lands of approximately 400 acres on the Thomastown demesne, County Roscommon, and, if so, when the scheme is likely to be put into operation.

An area of some 250 acres, containing almost all the arable land in this estate, was allotted last year. It is not yet possible to say when the balance, which is mainly turbary, will be allotted.

In view of the importance of turbary to people in that locality, will the Minister request or urge the Land Commission to allocate turbary to people who are badly in need of it as soon as possible?

Under a temporary letting?

I mean a temporary letting pending allotment?

Is there any need for delay? In view of the fact that almost all arable land has been already allotted, can the Minister give any reason for delay in allotting the turbary?

There are 170 acres of turbary to be allotted there and I expect a scheme will be prepared during the coming summer.

During the coming summer?

I would say so, yes.

asked the Minister for Lands whether the Land Commission have yet prepared a scheme for the division of the White farm, Killenorty, Ballydooley, County Roscommon, and, if so, when the scheme is likely to be put into operation.

A scheme for the allotment of this estate is being formulated but it is not yet possible to state when the lands will be allotted.

In view of the fact that this estate has been in the hands of the Land Commission for a considerable number of years, and in view of the desirability of setting up as many economic holdings as possible, would the Minister not agree that the Land Commission should take steps to expedite the division of farms of land such as this one?

The Land Commission do that, but in some cases they cannot prepare a full rearrangement scheme for a particular area pending the coming into their hands of other land in the area. That is the reason for the delay in most cases.

It is not the reason in this case.

asked the Minister for Lands if he will state the present position regarding the proceedings for the acquisition by the Land Commission of the Comyn estate, Miltown Dysart, County Roscommon.

Since an objection to acquisition was allowed in 1951 the Land Commission have not reinstituted proceedings in this case but they are having certain inquiries made about it.

I suppose that answer is supposed to keep them going for another 12 months?

Even at the end of 12 months there is no guarantee that the Land Commission will take it. It depends on whether they can or not.

Why do not you take power in this House to force the Land Commission to do its duty?

In reply to that, I will invite the Deputy to put down a motion here along those lines.

And we will all talk to it and if the majority of this House tell me to introduce legislation along those lines I will be only too happy to do it.

I will help you to get rid of them.

Get rid of the House?

Of the Land Commission.

asked the Minister for Lands whether the Land Commission have prepared a scheme for the division of the Hagerty estate, Bally macurley, County Roscommon, and, if so, when the scheme is likely to be put into operation.

Although I cannot be certain, I hope that the Land Commission will very shortly allot the Hagerty estate at Ballymacurley. I take it that this is the one the Deputy has in mind.

asked the Minister for Lands if the Land Commission will consider the advisability of dividing the Maher estate at Ballymore, Goold's Cross, County Tipperary, amongst the uneconomic holders, landless men and cottiers in the area.

A scheme is being prepared for these lands and the claims of all eligible applicants will be fully considered.

asked the Minister for Lands whether the Land Commission have considered the propriety of acquiring the Madigan farm situated at Moy, Lahinch, County Clare, and sub-dividing it among the numerous uneconomic holders in the vicinity and, if so, with what result.

The Land Commission have acquired, by means of migration, two holdings of Martin Madigan at Moy More and Clooneyogan.

It is not yet possible to state when these lands will be allotted since the resale scheme may involve proposals for extensive rearrangements and improvement of the surrounding uneconomic holdings. The preparation of a scheme of this nature is a tedious process.

Seeing that this land has been in the hands of the Land Commission for some time, I would ask the Minister to use every effort to have it divided this year and by so doing dispel from the minds of the uneconomic holders generally certain suspicions as to why it is not being divided or has not been divided over the years. It might be well that the Minister and the Land Commission should be aware that there would not be sufficient graves in the Clare holdings at present in the hands of the Irish Land Commission for all those who were promised divisions of those holdings during the last election campaign.

asked the Minister for Lands whether the Land Commission have considered the propriety of acquiring the lands of Mr. Hamilton, Ashforth, Hillstreet, County Roscommon, and, if so, with what result.

The Land Commission considered the question of acquiring this residential property in 1953 and decided to take no action in the matter.
