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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 10 Dec 1958

Vol. 171 No. 13

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Ballinasloe Income-Tax Collector.


asked the Minister for Finance whether a new income-tax collector has been appointed in the Ballinasloe area; and, if so, if he will state (a) the date of such appointment, (b) the date on which the appointee was placed on the panel of suitable persons to be appointed, (c) his previous employment, and (d) whether it was a condition of appointment that he should resign his previous employment.

A new income-tax collector has been appointed in the Ballinasloe area. The reply to the remainder of the Deputy's question is as follows:— (a) the appointment was made on the 18th August, 1958; (b) the appointee was recorded as suitable for appointment on the 16th July, 1958; (c) he was previously employed on the staff of the Ballinasloe Mental Hospital; and (d) it was not a condition of appointment that he should resign his previous employment.

Why was it that this appointee was, so to speak, jumped in his place on the panel to supersede those who were earlier on the panel?

I do not think there was any jump. He was put first on the panel.

Am I to understand from that that a new panel was formed instead of the panel that has been there for many years, in fact from the time that Deputy MacEntee was Minister for Finance; and if so, why?

I was informed by the Revenue Commissioners that he was first on the panel.

We shall have some other questions. Does the Minister consider it was desirable for a collector of taxes to retain his job?

That is a separate question.

I cannot say at the moment—it is the first time I have become aware of this condition.

We shall give the Minister an opportunity of looking into the matter.
