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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 9 Jun 1959

Vol. 175 No. 10

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Orders for New Fishing Vessels.


asked the Minister for Lands whether An Bord Iascaigh Mhara have placed orders for new fishing vessels with a shipyard in the Netherlands; and, if so, for what purpose these boats are to be used; and by whom they are to be administered.

Acting on my behalf, An Bord Iascaigh Mhara have placed an order with a shipyard in the Netherlands for the vessel provided for under subhead E.6 of the Fisheries Vote. The vessel will be used for exploratory fishing and its operations will be controlled by my Department.

Perhaps the Minister has overlooked the Question which I asked—whether An Bord Iascaigh Mhara has placed orders for new fishing vessels and, if so, for what purpose are these boats to be used? Is only one boat on order?

I was told four.

One on order at the moment.

Is it intended to order more?

If the Deputy would ask a Question on general policy, I shall be glad to answer it.

I asked the question on the Estimate for the Department and the Minister overlooked answering it.

No firm decision has been made. As they relate to private negotiations, it is not possible for me to make a reply. An Bord Iascaigh Mhara operates as an independent body.

Come now. It operates under the protection of the Minister. Certainly the question of policy—as to whether deep sea fishing vessels are to be purchased by them to operate in the port of Dublin or by anybody else for that purpose—is a matter which would be subject to the Minister's direction.

I gave the Deputy, on the Estimate, a full picture of the general policy of the Fisheries Department. If the deputy would like further adumbrations on that, I shall be glad to give it to him if he will ask a suitable Question.

I actually gave the Minister notice, on the opening of his Estimate, that I had put down a Parliamentary Question to elicit this information so that he would give it in his reply. He overlooked doing so. The answer to this Question to-day is not satisfactory, although I thought I would get the information I required. However, I shall resubmit the Question and perhaps the Minister will be able to give more ample information.
