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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 5 Nov 1959

Vol. 177 No. 6

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Advertising Broadcasting by Loud Speakers.


Mr. Ryan

asked the Minister for Local Government if in view of the considerable distraction and annoyance caused by commercial and political advertising in public places by means of loudspeakers on buildings and moving vehicles and the failure of some local authorities to take steps by means of bye-laws to curb the practice, he will introduce legislation making it a punishable offence to broadcast by loudspeakers in public places.

As the Deputy is aware County Councils and County Borough and Borough Corporations have power under existing legislation to make bye-laws controlling the use of loudspeakers. I feel that this arrangement which leaves the matter to the discretion of the local authority concerned is the correct one and that the introduction of legislation on the lines suggested by the Deputy is not desirable.

Mr. Ryan

Is the Minister aware that Dublin Corporation has failed to pass this by-law and the statement was made in the Dublin Corporation that they did not believe that the citizens of Dublin are annoyed to the point of distraction by the amount of commercial advertising that takes place from early morning to late at night? In view of that and the failure of the Dublin Corporation and other local authorities in this respect, does the Minister not agree there is an obligation to pass a law to cover all sections of the country?

Surely that is just the Deputy's opinion?

Mr. Ryan

If the Minister opens his ears in Dublin he would have the same opinion.

It is not so long since the Deputy had a "go" at that himself.
