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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 18 May 1960

Vol. 181 No. 11

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Provision of Hearing Aids.


asked the Minister for Health if he will permit local health authorities to supply hearing aids to persons in the lower income group for whom these appliances have been prescribed.

As the Deputy will be aware from replies to previous questions on this subject, a scheme for the supply of hearing aids to persons in the lower income group who require them has not, so far, been introduced. The position still is that hearing aids are being supplied. under the Health Acts, mainly for the use of children in institutions for the deaf.

Exceptional cases, especially those concerning school children not in institutions for the deaf, are put forward to my Department from time to time by local authorities and these cases are sympathetically considered. In a limited number of such cases where, for example, a child needs a hearing aid in order to follow instruction in the classroom, the supply of a hearing aid is approved, if recommended by the medical specialist and if there is assurance that there will be continuing supervision to secure attainment of the maximum benefit from the use of the aid.

I am unable to say when it will be possible to introduce a scheme applying generally to the lower income group. Qualified insured persons are, of course, entitled to receive financial assistance towards the cost of hearing aids under the Department of Social Welfare's scheme of treatment benefits.

Is the Minister aware that while this scheme which is being operated in respect of children in institutions is widely appreciated, the vast majority of people who qualify under the Health Acts are people who are not receiving institutional treatment at present but people who are at home and who may have had hearing aids prescribed by their doctors? Does he not feel that something should be done to cater for those people?

I shall pass on the Deputy's views to the Minister for Health.
