asked the Minister for Industry and Commerce the number of proposals for grants under consideration by An Foras Tionscal, and the number from Cork West.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - An Foras Tionscal: Grants under Consideration.
The Undeveloped Areas Act 1952 and the Industrial Grants Act 1959 provide for the submission by An Foras Tionscal of an Annual Report to be presented to the Houses of the Oireachtas. The Report for the year ended 31st March, 1960 will shortly be so presented, and published in due course. I do not think it desirable that An Foras Tionscal should be asked to furnish information other than that included in the Annual Report or in advance of the publication of the Report.
Why does the Minister think it unsuitable to ask An Foras Tionscal to furnish information? Is it not the people's money that An Foras Tionscal is using? We, as representatives of the people, are entitled to know, through questions in this House, how that money is being used.
It is an accepted principle and one, I am sure, which would appeal to the Deputy, that when negotiations for industrial undertakings are in train these matters should be kept confidential to the greatest possible extent. That is the main reason why Deputies are referred to the annual reports rather than given information on these matters from time to time.
There is nothing confidential in this question, is there, which asks the number of proposals?
Question No. 60.