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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 17 Nov 1960

Vol. 184 No. 8

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Rearrangement of Connemara Townland.


asked the Minister for Lands when work will start on the rearrangement of the townland of Ballinahown, Connemara, County Galway.

Efforts are at present being made by the Land Commission to formulate rearrangement proposals affecting 20 holdings in Ballynahown South. Provided the necessary co-operation is forthcoming from the tenants concerned, it is hoped to carry out the rearrangement next spring, and a sum of £13,000 will be available for the essential improvements in the townland.

Does the Minister include in the co-operation expected from the tenants free labour in regard to fencing and drainage?

I do not, sir. I mean co-operation that is essential in regard to any rearrangement scheme in swopping some of their lands for some other lands.

Is it not a fact that, since the Minister took office, inspectors in seeking the co-operation of tenants in rearrangement schemes are doing something that has never been done since the time of the Congested Districts Board, namely, asking the tenants to provide free labour in regard to the fencing of the allotments? Is that so in this case?

It is a fact that since this Minister took office, much more rearrangement has been done. There is an extra £250,000 available for the purpose of getting more lands to solve the problem and rearrangement is being done on a fair basis and not on the basis of whether the applicant for land is or is not a member of the local Clann na Talmhan Party.

That is the most brazen-faced impudence I ever heard from a Fianna Fáil Minister.

What could you expect?

That takes the biscuit and coming from Deputy Moran, the Minister for Lands, go bhfóire Dia orainn.
