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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 6 Dec 1960

Vol. 185 No. 5

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Drainage of Monaghan Rivers.


asked the Minister for Finance whether he is aware that the Drainage Border Schemes Bill has been enacted in Northern Ireland; and whether, in view of this, he will consider expediting plans for the drainage of the Dromore and Fane Rivers in County Monaghan.

The Bill referred to does not at present affect the position in regard to these rivers. The Dromore River forms part of the Erne catchment which is being surveyed with a view to the preparation of a scheme under the Arterial Drainage Act, 1945. The Fane catchment is listed for treatment in the drainage programme but is unlikely to be reached for some years.

Has it not been one of the difficulties in the past that the Dromore drainage could not be completed without the co-operation of the Northern Ireland authorities in dealing with their part of the catchment and that, heretofore, they were impeded from that co-operation by a flaw in their legislation? Inasmuch as that flaw now appears to have been removed, would it not be reasonable to anticipate that we would review the placing of the Dromore catchment area in the programme to which the Parliamentary Secretary has referred?

The Dromore is not affected by the Border problem, to which the Deputy refers. The Fane is, to some extent. The main purpose of the legislation now being enacted in the Northern Parliament is to deal with the Flurry. Reciprocal legislation with regard to the Flurry is not necessary on this side at the present time. It may be necessary at a later date in connection with the river Fane.

Does the catchment area to which the Dromore belongs not enter the territory of Northern Ireland?

The Dromore is part of the Erne catchment. The survey of the Erne catchment is proceeding satisfactorily and as soon as it is completed, the entire catchment will be undertaken.

Can the Parliamentary Secretary indicate to me when that means that the Dromore river will be done?

No; I would not venture to give a date. We are being pressed by various interests to have it done as expeditiously as possible.

Would the Parliamentary Secretary give me an approximate date?

A change of Government.

Thanks be to goodness, there are only 12 months more to go.
