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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 7 Dec 1960

Vol. 185 No. 6

Business of Dáil (resumed).

I wish to appeal to the Taoiseach to reconsider this matter of the motion. Surely it is the right of this House to discuss matters brought before it by the elected representatives of the people.

I cannot allow this matter to be re-opened.

The Taoiseach has refused to provide time for this motion.

I have not refused to provide time for a motion even if I think the Dáil would merely stultify itself in discussing it in its present form. The trouble is that the motion is framed in such a way as to make it objectionable.

In other words, the Taoiseach wants the Dáil to be a reflection of his own personal opinions.

Surely a pre-requisite in all this matter is that the motion is in order and time for its discussion should be provided by the Government?

At the moment there is nothing before the House.

A motion in Private Members' time will come up in the ordinary way in Private Members' time. When I am asked to give Government time for a motion, I am entitled to suggest that the movers should put that motion in such a form as will make it suitable for discussion in Government time.

Surely if the motion is in correct form, time should be given for its discussion? By the time it comes up in the ordinary way, irrevocable steps may have been taken before it is reached. It is a motion dealing with a desire by the Government to trample the Opposition under foot and the Taoiseach ought to give time for its discussion.

Why cannot the Deputy put it down in another form?

Because that is the way we want to discuss it—in the form in which it is.

I will not allow this discussion to proceed any further.

Due to the disorderly interruptions, I could not hear what happened to the first item on the Order Paper.


Leave to introduce was granted and the Second Stage was ordered for 15th February, 1961—a tentative date.

May I inquire why the Government, knowing as little as they do about everything, have gone so far as to order the next stage for Sunday, 15th February?

I did not mention a date at all but 15th February, according to my calendar, is a Wednesday.


I am prepared to consider the matter if Deputies will go to the trouble of putting down a motion which does not involve a reversal of the principle which I am trying to maintain in this House.

Matters have come to a terrible pass in this House when we are told that our motions must be in terms acceptable to the Taoiseach. We will not put down our motions in your terms and we will not accept the principle you state—never, never, never.

In that case the motion will come before the Dáil in the ordinary way in Private Members' time.

You may have got the majority but that is not the way to do Parliamentary work. You are wrong and you know you are wrong. This is most unlike an Irish Parliament and an Irish democracy. It sets a very bad precedent in this House.

This discussion can proceed no further. I am calling No. 8 on the Order Paper.
