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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 9 Feb 1961

Vol. 186 No. 2

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - C.I.E. Employees on Closed Cork Railway.


asked the Minister for Transport and Power the total number of permanent and temporary employees of Córas Iompair Éireann on the Cork rail system proposed to be closed down, and their total annual income for the latest available date.

I am informed by Córas Iompair Éireann that the total number of permanent and temporary employees of the Board employed on the West Cork branch rail is 210 and that their total annual income from such employment is approximately £93,000 per annum.

Of the 185 permanent staff, half will be transferred to other duties while the services of many of the remainder will be retained for the time being on closing operations. All employees on the permanent staff who are ultimately declared redundant will be retired with redundancy compensation.

What will happen the temporary staff? How many members are employed on a temporary basis?

Twenty-five, temporarily.

Would the Minister indicate whether the amount of compensation will not exceed the estimated losses on the line?

The amount of compensation will not exceed the loss on the line. As Deputies know, compensation is a figure which declines year after year until it finally reaches zero. Even if it should be somewhat approximate to the loss on the line, that is no argument against paying it.

That is like the railways——

A number of the temporary staff have been employed in that capacity over an extended period, some for many years. Will the Board recognise that period of whole-time temporary service? Has the Minister anything in mind for these employees except the migrant ship?

C.I.E. has very close relations with all the trade unions involved. Continual consultations take place in these matters.

Will that compensation be paid to those workers who take up employment in Great Britain?

Will this controversy between Deputy O'Sullivan and Deputy M.P. Murphy cease so that we can get on with the remainder of the Questions?
