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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 4 May 1961

Vol. 188 No. 12

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Workmen's Compensation Recipients: Qualification for Unemployment Benefit.


asked the Minister for Social Welfare if persons in receipt of workmen's compensation for partial disablement may also qualify for unemployment benefit; and, if so, if he will state the total amount a workman in receipt of a workmen's compensation payment of £2 for partial disablement would get from the social insurance fund if (a) single, (b) married or (c) married with three children.

The question as to whether a claimant satisfies the statutory conditions, including that of being capable of work, for the receipt of unemployment benefit under the Social Welfare Acts is a matter for determination by a statutory officer, that is, a deciding officer or an appeals officer, in the light of all the circumstances in the particular case. Generally speaking, however, it is likely that a person in receipt of workmen's compensation for partial disablement would be regarded as capable of work and, subject to satisfaction of the other statutory conditions, as qualified for payment of unemployment benefit, the rate of which would not be affected by the amount of workmen's compensation in payment.

As regards the second part of the Deputy's question, the maximum weekly rates of unemployment benefit applicable in the three cases envisaged would be (a) 32/6d., (b) 52/6d. and (c) 77/6d.
