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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 4 Apr 1962

Vol. 194 No. 8

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Sale of County Wexford Commonage.


asked the Minister for Lands if he is aware of the widespread dissatisfaction of the residents of Courtown, County Wexford and district with the intended sale by his Department of the area known as "The Banks" in the region of Courtown Harbour; and if he will consider leaving such area at the disposal of the residents and visitors to Courtown who have used this commonage as an amenity for over one hundred years.

The area in question, amounting to only 4½ acres, was surplus to my Department's requirements and has already been sold following advertisement by public tender. The legal formalities are in the course of completion.

Can the Minister say if the sale has been finalised yet?

It is finalised to the extent, as far as I am aware, that legal contracts are binding to purchasers.

Will the right of way or the pass from Courtown to Ardamine be deleted by this sale?

In any sale, there is no power in the vendor to wipe out any existing rights of way previously enjoyed.

Before giving permission for the sale, did the Minister have regard to the interests of the people of Courtown and to the effect it would have on it as a tourist resort not alone to the people in Gorey but to those in other parts of Ireland as well?

So much was the local interest considered in this regard that the four and a half acres, as well as approximately 60 other acres of what would be considered amenity land, was offered to the local county council before it was ever put up for sale. They refused to buy it. Therefore, I must assume they did not regard this part of the land as amenity land but that they did regard the other part.

On what date was it offered to the county council?

I should require notice of that question. However, it was offered to them before this was ever put up for public sale and they refused it.

The Courtown Residents' Association is concerned with this, not the county council.

There was no such body, even two years ago, as the Courtown Residents' Association, as far as my information goes. There was another local body which did put in a nominal bid for this. I would point out that this property was the property of Bord Fáilte before my Department acquired it.

Does the Minister know whether or not this property was offered to the county manager of the county council or to the members of the county council?

Again, I assume that when the county council had to make a decision as between accepting all that was offered and refusing portion of it, the council discussed this matter.

The Minister does not know definitely?

From my experience of local authorities, I am perfectly certain that a matter of this kind would be discussed.
