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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 31 Oct 1962

Vol. 197 No. 2

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Civil Defence Services.


asked the Minister for Defence what immediate campaign will be undertaken on a national basis for recruitment to civil defence services in the event of war; and if he will make more money available for this important work, and have immediate action taken to make sure that the public are trained and educated in civil defence work.

No immediate campaign is contemplated in regard to recruitment for Civil Defence on a national basis such as the Deputy may have in mind. The effectiveness of the Civil Defence services in the event of war must depend mainly on the extent of the trained personnel available. Recruitment to the Civil Defence Services is primarily a matter for local authorities and sustained efforts towards this end have been proceeding on a national basis since 1957. I myself and officers of my Department have availed of every opportunity to emphasise the necessity of having trained Civil Defence personnel available to meet wartime needs and that the amount of training which could be given under war conditions would be very limited.

As far as the making available by the State of money for Civil Defence purposes is concerned, I can assure the Deputy that lack of money has not been a problem.

Regarding the education of the public for Civil Defence work I may say that while direct instruction of the public has not yet been undertaken, the fact that so many volunteers are being trained throughout the country has spread some knowledge of Civil Defence. A booklet entitled "Methods of Protection" has recently been printed and copies have been distributed to the local authorities for issue to members of the Civil Defence services. A further booklet for issue to each householder on "Home Protection" against the fall-out and other hazards of nuclear war has been prepared and will be issued at the appropriate time.
