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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 7 Nov 1962

Vol. 197 No. 4

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Tipperary Telephone Kiosks.


asked the Minister for Posts and Telegraphs whether it is proposed to instal additional telephone kiosks in North Tipperary during the coming six months; and, if, so, what is the number and their location.

Proposals are under consideration for the provision of two additional telephone kiosks in the area in question at Thurles and Ballingarry respectively. If approved the kiosks will very probably be erected next year.


asked the Minister for Posts and Telegraphs if he will take steps to have a telephone kiosk erected in the town of Toomevara, County Tipperary, where there is a great need for it.

The provision of a kiosk at Toomevara is already under consideration. I hope it will be possible to include it in the kiosk programme for next year.
