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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 30 May 1963

Vol. 203 No. 4

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Trade in Agricultural Products.


asked the Taoiseach if his attention has been directed to the Press communiqué issued by EFTA after the Lisbon conference in which it was stated that a number of bilateral agreements designed to increase trade in agricultural products were concluded between members of this association; and, if so, whether such agreements are in any way likely to affect Ireland's export trade to the United Kingdom, or to any other country within the group.

I understand that, in so far as Britain is concerned, the bilateral agreements designed to increase trade in agricultural products, referred to in the communiqué issued after the recent meeting in Lisbon of the ministerial council of the European Free Trade Association, do not, with the exception of butter, relate to products in which this country has a substantial trade interest.

I understand that, in the case of butter, the British Government have agreed with the Danish Government to suspend, as from the earliest practicable date, the duty on butter. This duty is bound under our Trade Agreement of 1938 with Britain and the British Government are in communication with us in the matter.

Particulars of any bilateral agreements concluded by other members of the European Free Trade Association at the recent meeting in Lisbon are not yet available to us. I can assure the Deputy that we are watching closely developments arising out of that meeting.

Will the Minister indicate what the other products are besides butter?

I am not in a position to say that yet.

When will the Minister be in a position to say it because it is a matter of some importance?

I know it is important but I do not know when I will be able to say it.
