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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 30 Oct 1963

Vol. 205 No. 4

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Price of Flour.


asked the Minister for Industry and Commerce what reasons were adduced for the increase in the price of flour before the coming into operation of the turnover tax.

While flour prices are not, at present, subjected to statutory control, I have made inquiries of the flour millers regarding proposed increases in flour prices and understand that these are due to increases in cost of native and imported wheat and the fall in offal prices.

This is not a proposed increase. It is an increase announced since last Monday.

It was proposed in a circular issued last Monday.

Is the Minister satisfied that this is not an increase coming before the turnover tax?

I am informed that it is due to an increase in the price of imported wheat. The price of Manitoba wheat has increased by 10/- a ton and Australian wheat by 18/- per ton. Home wheat prices have also increased by reason of the superior quality of this year's crop.
