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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 30 Jan 1964

Vol. 207 No. 2

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - National Gallery Curator.


asked the Minister for Education whether applicants suitably qualified under the terms of the advertisement for the Curator of the National Gallery made application for the post; if so, how many; whether they were considered for appointment; if so, why no appointment was made; why it has been found necessary to re-advertise the post; whether the terms of the second advertisement were identical with those of the first; and if not, how they differed.

The position of Director of the National Gallery was advertised in July last. When the applications were received the Governors and Guardians of the Gallery felt that the scope of the competition should be widened by offering a higher scale of salary for the post. Such higher scale of salary having been sanctioned, the post was re-advertised early this month.

Were there many extra applicants?

This is a matter for the Governors. I just sanction it.
