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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 30 Jan 1964

Vol. 207 No. 2

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Terenure (Dublin) Sewers.


Mr. Ryan

asked the Minister for Local Government, with reference to a reply of 3rd December last, if he will state details of the outstanding work on the part of College Park Estate which the Dublin County Council require to be done before taking over the sewers on the Estate, and in particular the connection between the sewers and such outstanding work; and whether there is in existence a bond or other sanction to compel the developers or their assignees, the Irish Life Assurance Company Limited, to properly complete the Estate.

I propose, with your permission, a Cheann Comhairle, to circulate a statement on the detailed information requested by the Deputy with the Official Report. It is the council's practice, for good reasons, to defer taking over sewers until all construction work has been completed. There are references to works required to be done on the sewers in each of the three parts of the Estate reviewed in the statement. I am informed by the council that they have no bond or other means to compel the developers to complete the estate.

Following is the information:—

Works to be completed by the developers

Wainsfort Road (part of)

(a) Approximately 50 yards lin. of footpath with kerbing to be provided on the western side of Wainsfort Road where it adjoins the Wainsfort Estate.

(b) Two defective bays in the concrete carriageway near the junction with Wainsfort Avenue to be replaced.

(c) Damaged section of footpath adjoining No. 148, Wainsfort Road to be replaced.

(d) Road name plates to be provided (i) at junction with College Park, (ii) at roundabout on south end of Wainsfort Road.

(e) All sewers on Wainsfort Road, south of junction with Wainsfort Avenue, to be cleaned and flushed and necessary steps fitted in manholes in accordance with Council's specification.

(f) Indicator plates to be provided at sluice valves on the watermains at the junction with College Park and adjoining the roundabout.

(g) The short spur road extending from the roundabout westwards to the junction with Wainsfort Crescent to be completed in so far as there is no footpath or kerb over a distance of approximately 75 lineal yards on its southern frontage. Name plates to be erected on this road.

College Park (part of)

(a) Name plate to be provided at junction with Wainsfort Road,

(b) Sewers on the road west of junction with College Crescent to be cleaned and flushed.

Wainsfort Crescent, Avenue and Gardens

Roads have been completed to satisfactory standard, but as the only access is through the uncompleted Wainsfort Road, they cannot be taken in charge.

Foul Sewers

All foul sewers on the estate to be cleaned and flushed.
