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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 2 Dec 1964

Vol. 213 No. 3

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Underdeveloped EEC Regions.


asked the Minister for External Affairs to what extent positive remedial action of demonstrable advantage to the areas has been taken on the recommendations of the Working Party appointed by the EEC in 1961 (1) concerning the acceleration of economic progress of underdeveloped regions in the EEC, (2) to induce firms to establish themselves in areas where industries were either non-existent or declining and (3) to restore stability to areas where major industries were declining.

The matters mentioned in the Deputy's question were the subject of study by three separate Working Parties who submitted their reports in July of this year. I am informed that the EEC Commission has not yet formulated recommendations on the basis of these reports.
