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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 11 Mar 1965

Vol. 214 No. 12

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - County Wexford Estate.


asked the Minister for Lands if his Department have yet paid for the Matthew Cullen Estate, County Wexford, which they have already divided; and, if not, when it will be paid for.

In accordance with normal practice, allocation of the purchase money in this case must await clearance of owners' title. Documentary evidence of title was lodged in the Land Commission on 21st December last and the matter is pending for examination by an Examiner, as soon as possible.

Could the Minister indicate, in the event of title not being right in this case, what he proposes to do? He is no doubt aware of the fact that the farm has long since been divided.

Of course, I am aware of the fact that the lands have been long since divided. That is a regular occurrence; land is often divided before title is proved.

In the event of the title not being correct, what does the Minister propose to do then?

When we meet that fence, we will cross it.

It is only fair, I think, that the Minister should answer the question. The people who owned the farm——

I do not propose to take up the time of the House answering hypothetical questions on matters that have not arisen and are not likely to arise in this case.

There is nothing hypothetical about it. These people have been without the farm for two years and they have not had a red cent yet.

The Deputy has been informed that they have not had a red cent because the solicitor did not lodge the title for a period of over 12 months and he is or the owners are the architects of their own misfortune.

The title has been in for three months and nothing has been done about it.

The documents were not lodged until December last.
