asked the Minister for Transport and Power what plans the ESB have in mind for the use of the site at Fitzwilliam Street, Dublin.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - ESB Fitzwilliam Street Site.
I assume that the site to which the Deputy refers is that cleared for a new building to be erected for the Electricity Supply Board in accordance with plans accepted following an architectural competition. I am informed by the Board that the plans are under detailed examination at present.
Is it not a fact that the plans for this building have been put on the long finger and is it equally not a fact that this building will not take shape for another ten years?
The Deputy is quite wrong in his assumptions. There is no intention of leaving the building uncompleted and the present position is due simply to the fact that the detailed plans for the building are under consideration.
When will it be built?
That I cannot say.
At the moment it is nothing but a direlict site.