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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 15 Dec 1965

Vol. 219 No. 7

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Encouragement of Savings.


asked the Minister for Finance whether he has received any recommendations from the working party which is considering the possibility of improving arrangements for encouraging savings; if so, the nature of such; and when they will be implemented.

The Working Party on Savings are not yet in a position to furnish their report. As I indicated in reply to a similar question on 25th November, 1965, I have asked the Working Party to complete their task as soon as possible.


asked the Minister for Finance why building societies were not invited to participate in the working party considering arrangements for encouraging savings; and if he will now invite them to participate.

The Working Party on Savings consists of representatives of the Central Bank, the Irish Banks' Standing Committee, the Trustee Savings Banks, the Savings Committee and the Departments of Industry and Commerce, Posts and Telegraphs and Finance. I do not propose to add further to it.

I will be very glad however to receive for consideration from any person or group any useful suggestions they can make for the promotion of savings.
