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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 15 Dec 1965

Vol. 219 No. 7

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Employment Service.


asked the Minister for Social Welfare what steps are being taken to provide new or improved premises to meet the demands of the Employment Service to be provided by the National Manpower Agency; in particular, what new or improved premises will be provided in Dublin; and where and when they will be erected.


asked the Minister for for Social Welfare when steps will be taken to expand the placement and guidance facilities of the employment service; whether any special training of employment exchange staffs to qualify them for such improved facilities has started; if so, where; the number of personnel involved; the nature of such training; and by whom it is being given.

With your permission, a Cheann Comhairle, I propose to take Questions Nos. 76 and 77 together.

The Deputy will appreciate that the drawing up of plans for the development of an expanded employment service in an orderly manner involves a considerable amount of preparatory work. This is at present in progress in consultation with the Manpower Agency and until this stage has been completed and the plans put into effect the information requested will not be available. Perhaps I should point out, however, that in accordance with my Department's general policy of improving its local offices for the benefit of all persons using them, new employment exchanges have been erected in many centres in recent years. Others are at the drawing stage or under construction and, in addition, improvements are being carried out in Dublin exchanges.
