asked the Minister for Finance if he is aware that the outfall channel of the Akerage Lough drainage district County Kerry is defective in that it continually refills after cleaning, thus causing flooding; and if he will have the Office of Public Works re-examine this channel and remedy the defects in it without further delay.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Kerry Flooding.
I am advised that the design of this channel is not defective and that it functioned well for many years after completion of the scheme in 1933. The maintenance of the channel is a statutory responsibility of the county council and the question of remedying defects by the Office of Public Works does not arise.
asked the Minister for Finance the reasons why he considers that no drainage scheme should be carried out on the Brown Flesk River, County Kerry; and if, in view of the hardship caused by the flooding of this river, he will have the position re-examined and ensure that this essential part of the main drainage scheme is completed.
I can only repeat what the Deputy was told in reply to his question on 20th May, 1964: that the problem of the drainage of the Brown Flesk has been exhaustively examined and that the cost of the work would be out of all proportion to the benefit.