asked the Minister for Finance what his intentions are regarding the proposed alternative arrangements for providing money to carry out work in lieu of minor employment schemes, bog development schemes and rural improvement schemes which do not appear to be in operation at present; and if he is prepared to reconsider the policy which disallows money for carrying out necessary works which were previously done under the Local Authorities (Works) Act; and if he is prepared to allocate money for essential and urgent employment in the congested areas especially in the west of Ireland.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Employment in Western Areas.
As I have previously stated, minor employment and bog development schemes have this year been merged in the rural improvements scheme and grants for accommodation and bog roads and minor drainage works are now available exclusively under that scheme. This has been done to ensure that the reduced funds available in the current year will be used for the most necessary works, and to avoid excessive overheads. It is not correct to say that the rural improvements scheme is not in operation. Schemes amounting to £176,000 have already been approved this year, and it is proposed to use the full provision of £250,000 in the course of the year. I regret that it is not possible to provide further grants for works of the kind referred to in the question.
Is the Parliamentary Secretary aware that in many of the poorer areas in the west, where valuations are very low, the tenants are not able to make the contribution and, because of that, are faced with a serious handicap?
The problem is to ensure that the money available is used to the maximum extent and to ensure also that the greatest amount of work possible is done with the money available. To that end, it was decided —correctly decided, I am quite certain —that the scheme would be conducted on a contributory basis. The contribution from those on low valuations is quite small.
Would the Parliamentary Secretary not agree that this represents additional taxation imposed on the poorer people in the West, taxation they can ill afford?
That is not in order.
I do not agree with the Deputy.