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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 20 Jun 1967

Vol. 229 No. 6

6½ Per Cent Exchequer Stock, 2000-2005. - Additional Estimate, 1967-68: Leave to Introduce.

Leave granted to introduce the following Additional Estimate for the service of the year ending on the 31st day of March, 1968, namely:—
Vote No.:—
50 (Increases in Pensions).
—(Minister for Finance).

I am merely seeking leave to introduce the Additional Estimate which we will take next week.

If you take it next week, we will agree on Wednesday, preferably.

We are agreeable.

It will not be taken next week.

It has been ordered for next week, Sir, Tuesday or Wednesday.

I am not fixing a date: I am only seeking leave to introduce it.

You must name a date when you are seeking leave to introduce. You named next week.

When will it be discussed?

Whenever the Opposition wish.

If the Dáil is sitting next week, yes.

Surely the Dáil will be sitting next week?
