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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 24 Apr 1968

Vol. 234 No. 2

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Price of Milk.


asked the Minister for Agriculture and Fisheries when he intends to increase the price of milk so as to compensate farmers for the substantial increase in the cost of production since the present price was fixed.

I would refer the Deputy to yesterday's Budget Statement.

Could the Minister say if this matter has been discussed with the NAC and if they are in agreement that the price of milk should remain static, in spite of all the increased costs of production since the price was last fixed?

Of course it was discussed with the NAC.

Were they agreeable it should remain at its present level?

There was very little publicity given to that fact?

You do not want publicity from the NAC. You want it from some other source.

The only publicity you get from the NAC is what is agreed.

No. If you read some of the handouts—and we do not make a habit of exaggerating what is discussed at these meetings—you would have seen on several occasions that the question of milk prices and other matters concerning the farmers have been discussed and recommendations made—not that they were agreed.

Who gets these handouts?

The normal communications media.

Mr. Feeley left the Gallery in a huff yesterday.

What did you expect him to do? Stay for the night?

He might have enjoyed you later on.
