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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 26 Jun 1968

Vol. 235 No. 12

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Trade with EEC.


asked the Taoiseach if he will state for the year 1967 the total exports to and imports from the EEC; and if he envisages an expansion of trade between this country and the EEC which will include a short-term expansion of Irish exports, especially of agricultural products, prior to the finalisation of negotiations for Irish entry to the EEC.

Exports to the European Economic Community in 1967 were valued at £24.2 million and imports from the Community were valued at £56.9 million.

There has been a sharp decline in agricultural exports, particularly cattle and beef, to the European Economic Community in recent years due to the operation of the Community's common agricultural policy. Other exports have shown an upward trend and it is anticipated that this trend will be maintained. The prospects for an expansion of agricultural exports to the area in the short-term are not promising in view of the Community's import restrictions. Every effort will continue to be made to explore the possibilities of expanding all exports to the Community.
