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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 11 Jul 1968

Vol. 236 No. 6

Order of Business.

It is proposed to take Nos. 1 and 5 on the Order Paper, and in No. 5 Vote No. 3. Questions will be taken at 2.30 p.m.

On the Order of Business, could the Taoiseach say on what day the Dáil resumes?

It is proposed to resume on 23rd October.

Might I ask the Taoiseach why 23rd October? We had the impression that the date was 9th October. This is quite a long Recess.

This is the usual time.

Last year, as far as I remember, the Dáil resumed on 18th October and I would suggest an earlier resumption date if we are to get through all the business we are promised by the Government.

We will get through it.

The original date as far as we were led to believe was 9th October. Would it be reasonable to assume that the Government intend to have the referendum between the 9th and 23rd October?

May I answer some of the questions? When the Whips were discussing some weeks ago a probable date for the Adjournment, I was asked by our own Whip when it was likely we would resume and I said I had not considered that yet. He asked me if I could convey to the Whips some date and I said some date between the 9th and 23rd October. That is why 9th October was mentioned.

This has been the usual practice in this House. Last year I asked for a resumption at the end of September because a lot of Estimates we had hoped to get through before the Summer Recess had not been got through. We have done fairly well this year and have got through a large volume of the work and I do not think we will have very much difficulty in the next term.

I do not think we should take up the time from October to the Christmas Recess on the Estimates. I think our time could be usefully employed in the autumn otherwise than in discussing the Estimates.

Would the Chair allow me to ask one question? Is it not true that the date we got was 9th October?

I have explained how that date was given.

Surely it would have been common courtesy to let us know if 9th October was the date decided on. We knew only of changes when Ministers mentioned 23rd October for the Second Reading of Bills. Could the Taoiseach tell us, so that the Members of the various Parties will be able to plan the holidays they can take, when he thinks the referendum is likely to take place? Can he say will it be between 9th and 23rd October?


Would the Taoiseach give us that answer?

If the Whips were not told about 23rd October, I accept responsibility, but no discourtesy was intended. As far as the date of the referendum is concerned, it will depend on the passage of the Bills through the Seanad and the signing of the order by the Minister for Local Government after the Bills have been passed. It is hoped that the referendum will be completed by 23rd October.

Now we know: we had to drag it out of you.

I answered questions as they were put to me.
