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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 23 Oct 1968

Vol. 236 No. 7

Ceisteanna — Questions. Oral Answers. - Cost of Referendum.


asked the Minister for Finance the cost of holding the recent referendum.


asked the Minister for Finance what was the total cost of holding the recent referendum.

: With your permission, a Cheann Comhairle, I propose to take Questions Nos. 14 and 15 together.

The cost to public funds of the recent referendum will not be known until final accounts have been received from all local returning officers and examined. It is expected that the cost will be of the order of £100,000.

: Would the Taoiseach say when these accounts would normally fall due to be available?

: Experience indicates that sometimes after elections and referenda final accounts are not received for several months from the returning officers.

: In other words, after the general election.

: If the Deputy has any influence with the returning officers he can encourage them to get their accounts in within a month.

: It is £1 million not £100,000.


: Will the Taoiseach state if the cost will include the cost of the use of State cars in the referendum campaign?

: Under what Estimate will that come?

: Under the Office of the Minister for Justice.

: What did it cost the Fianna Fáil Party?

: Much less than that anyway.

: It did not cost the Fianna Fáil Party; it cost Taca that.

: There was also a waste of public money.

: It took the referendum to stimulate Deputy Spring to speak.

: Is he a Member of the House?

: He was a Member of the House when you were running around in your bare feet.
