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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 24 Oct 1968

Vol. 236 No. 8

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Stampbook Vending Machines.


asked the Minister for Posts and Telegraphs why the stampbook vending machine inside Rathmines post office, Dublin, is so frequently out of order; and why his Department have failed so long in providing at all the larger post offices satisfactory stampbook vending machines on the external walls of such premises, as has been done in many other countries.

The machine in question has given very little trouble. It was not in use for a period of three weeks recently due to a shortage of stamp booklets caused by a break-down in the printing machinery.

There are machines in four Dublin post offices. The 2s 6d coin used in them will, however, disappear on the introduction of decimal coinage. The question of providing machines to take a suitable coin in the decimal range will be considered in due course.

Is the Minister not lucky to have an excuse? It is five years since this matter was first aired in this House and consistently, every three months or thereabouts, it has been aired since. We are the only country in Western Europe that has not some bookvending machines outside post office premises. If, as alleged, the machine is proving satisfactory, why does it so often bear the notice that it is out of order? It is more often marked "Out of Order" and unable to dispense stamps than it is available to dispense stamps for the public who want to use it.

I referred to four different stamping machines. The Deputy is referring to a specific one.

The one in question is in Rathmines. I go into the post office there every fortnight or thereabouts. I have yet to see the machine in working order.

The only time there was an "Out of Order" notice hanging on this machine was between 15th August and 16th September of this year. If the Deputy saw an "Out of Order" sign at any other time then I am afraid it was not on our machine in the post office.

There were also times when it was out of order but did not have the notice.
