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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 24 Oct 1968

Vol. 236 No. 8

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Electoral Register.


asked the Minister for Local Government if he will cause an inquiry to be made into the inclusion in the current electoral register for the Rathpeacon area of County Cork of a person (name supplied) who died in 1926, of two other persons (names supplied) who have not been resident in the area for the past 40 years, and of another person (name supplied) who died in 1948, all such persons being represented as living in one house; and if he will issue instructions to those who are responsible for compiling registers that much greater care should be taken in this work.

Preliminary enquiries into this matter suggest that the position is not as indicated by the Deputy. However, enquiries are proceeding and I will inform the Deputy of the outcome.

With regard to the last part of the question, instructions on these lines are issued from time to time by my Department to registration authorities.


asked the Minister for Local Government what steps he will take to ensure proper compilation of the Register of Electors so that the large numbers of those who were denied voting rights on referendum day, because of their exclusion from the lists, will be guaranteed the right to vote in a general election.

I am not aware that large numbers of qualified persons were unable to vote at the recent referenda because their names were not included in the register of electors. If the Deputy would furnish further details I would be glad to have the matter investigated.

I take it that the Minister said he was not aware that large numbers were unable to vote. He did not speak loudly enough. He spoke in the customary manner of the Government Front Bench.

While Deputy Dillon and Deputy Dunne were shouting. If Dunne cannot do it it cannot be done.

He did it last Wednesday.

I wish to ask the Minister if in fact he did not personally receive complaints last Wednesday at one of the polling stations in Ballyfermot concerning people who fall into the category I described here—people whose names had been previously listed as voters and who for some inexplicable reason did not appear on the voters' lists at all, though they had long residence in that area. Has he not had observations from his own Party in respect of other parts of the city? In one case in Ballyfermot, there were 12 members of a religious community, who have been there for years, who were not on the list. In the light of that, does he not agree it is high time that this matter of the compilation of the register was tackled properly and that the present haphazard system, which has been found by members of all Parties to be unsatisfactory, should be dealt with and put on a proper basis?

I am aware that at every election people are discovered not to be on the register who should be on it. Occasionally we have cases of people, who have been on the register for some time, inexplicably left out. The registration authorities are pressed by my Department to exercise care in the compilation of the register. In addition, every possible means is taken to bring to the notice of the public generally, at the appropriate time, the fact that the draft register has been compiled and the desirability of inspecting it to make sure they are entitled to vote. In addition, public representatives are exhorted to co-operate in this. I think everything possible is being done. In so far as Dublin County Council are concerned, they have set up a special franchise section, employing special staff, to take over from the rate collectors the work of compiling the register. I appreciate that, despite all these things, these inexplicable mistakes occur but, as I have said, all possible steps are taken to ensure they will not occur. People are advised at the appropriate time to inspect the register to ensure their names are on it.

We are all aware that advertisements are put in the newspapers and that forms are circulated to households, but in spite of all that, at election times we come up against the problem that people are not listed. Is it not obvious that we should do something to modernise the system. Might I suggest to the Minister that the example set by Dublin County Council be recommended to Dublin Corporation and possibly to all other public bodies throughout the country, to try to secure a greater degree of accuracy in the listing of names.

I do not wish to listen to any further speeches.

Perhaps when we learn of the experiences of Dublin County Council we might consider it a good idea to extend it to other areas.

Will the Minister state why certain people who notified the authorities were not included in the list?

I do not know of any such cases.

Will the Minister state what was the last date on which names could be included for the compilation of the Register?

I cannot remember the exact date. I think it is the 15th of January, I am not quite sure. It is publicised in the newspapers, on radio and on television.

What happens after that if someone notifies?

If they notify within a reasonable time and it is still possible to include them I think the registration authorities would include them. Some deadline has to be set.

Can a name be included in the supplemental register?

If the information is supplied in reasonable time, yes.

Does the Minister not agree it is unwise to leave the compilation of registers to people like rate collectors who were in fact appointed on a political basis? It is a dangerous situation and these people are in the main Fianna Fáil appointees.

I agree the present system of leaving it to the rate collectors is not desirable mainly because they are in the main Fine Gael appointees.
