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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 24 Oct 1968

Vol. 236 No. 8

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Laois-Offaly Estates.


asked the Minister for Lands if the Land Commission will make enquiries in regard to the Trench Estate, Ballybrittas, County Laois in view of the number of deserving applicants for land in this area; and if he will give the matter special attention.

Whilst there are no proceedings for acquisition of this residential property, the circumstances affecting the lands are known to the Land Commission and the matter is being kept under review.

Is the Minister aware that these lands have been let for a considerable time past, and this week I have furnished the Minister with details which may be very helpful to the Land Commission?

The Deputy is aware of the particular circumstances of the case, which, I suppose, are the main reason for the Land Commission's difficulty in coming to a decision on it.

So long as the Land Commission keep it in mind in the event of circumstances changing.

asked the Minister for Lands when it is proposed to divide the Devery Estate, and the Stewart Estate at Pullough, Tullamore, County Offaly where great local congestion exists; and if the lands will be divided in the near future as they have been set for some time, as the owners are not resident in this country and as there are many deserving small-holders in the area.

Proceedings are in progress for compulsory acquisition of the Temple (formerly Deverey) estate and the question of price is at present being arranged. Until such time as the negotiations are completed it is not possible to indicate what the outcome will be.

The Land Commission have no proceedings for acquisition of the Stewart estate but the matter has been noted for inquiry.

Might I inquire why Question No. 51 carried over from yesterday was not answered today? In case you have not got the question let me read it:

To ask the Minister for Local Government if he will consider the creation of provincial constituencies to facilitate the obvious demand for proportional representation and to enable the system to work well, so that all minorities may be represented in Dáil Éireann.

—James Gallagher.

I do not know why it was not carried over to today.

It was a very significant removal, right enough.

The position is that this question was in anticipation of a Bill.

We can assume it is in the Bill when this is withdrawn?

The Chair has no information on that matter.
