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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 13 Nov 1968

Vol. 237 No. 2

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Wheat Drying Facilities.


asked the Minister for Agriculture and Fisheries what promised additional drying facilities were available for the 1968 wheat crop; if all were in operation at the points decided; and if improved facilities will be available in 1969 so as to provide for less favourable weather conditions than in the present season.

It was announced on 31st August that 93 intake points would be open to receive wheat. This represented an increase of 35 over the number in operation in 1967. Of the intake points announced two did not operate, but 11 points which were not announced were subsequently opened to receive wheat. I am examining the position in regard to the provision of additional facilities for next year.

When the Minister is examining this for next year will he bear in mind that it is not the number of points that is so important, it is whether they are equipped for taking in wheat quickly or not? There were centres to which you had to bring your wheat to get it sampled and then bring it to another place miles away to——

That is quite right and while the farmers have their freedom, which I hope they always will, these sorts of change will take place. For his own peculiar reason, which is best known to the farmer, there is a shift in the emphasis in the growing of wheat from one county to another year after year and this creates a problem. Despite the record return, with the exception of Deputy L'Estrange's friend in Westmeath, everybody seems to be reasonably happy.

They were not happy in Westmeath.

When we checked on that case we found that Deputy Donegan was taking care of him and Deputy L'Estrange did not know about it.

The wheat was left on his hands for a fortnight.


I certainly did. I got in touch with Deputy Donegan.

When the Minister talks about farming shifting from one county to another——

No, the incidence of the growing of the wheat acreage.

To what extent is that due to the fact that the Minister has no long-term policy either in regard to grain-growing or anything else?

It is due to what I said already and which we in Fianna Fáil have always sought to preserve, even against some of your predecessors, and that is that we do not believe in the regimentation or direction of——

God forgive you.


Question No. 35.
