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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 13 Nov 1968

Vol. 237 No. 2

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Appointment of Agricultural Instructors.


asked the Taoiseach the reason for the delay in the Local Appointments Commission making permanent recommendations of appointment of agricultural instructors to county committees of agriculture; if there is a shortage of applicants; and, if not, why permanent appointments are not expedited, as many committees are understaffed.

There is no avoidable delay in the making of recommendations for these appointments. As a result, however, of the abolition of application fees, earlier this year, the number of candidates for the various classes of posts filled through the Local Appointments and Civil Service Commission has increased. This has caused a backlog of work which is gradually being cleared off but which has meant some unavoidable delay in the arranging of interviews in recent months.

Generally speaking, there is no shortage of suitable candidates for posts as agricultural instructor.

Is the Taoiseach aware that there are some county committes of agriculture who have applied to have permanent posts filled during periods of between 12 and 18 months? Does he not consider that, in order that committees of agriculture effectively might carry out a first class service for the community, there should not be long periods of delay in filling permanent posts?

As far as I am aware there is not any post left unfilled for the period mentioned by the Deputy—12 to 18 months. The normal period is four or five months but on occasions some difficulties arise. Posts having been advertised, interviews having been held and the posts offered, the successful candidates do not take them up. Efforts are made to fill vacancies from the existing panel but that is not always possible and it is in cases like that that delays of 12 months might occur but never delays of 18 months.

The Taoiseach must realise the importance of providing county committees of agriculture with a first-class service. In view of the urgency of this, will the Taoiseach undertake to have inquiries made to ensure that these appointments, on a permanent basis, will be filled with the least possible delay?

Every effort is being made at the moment. There is only a handful of vacancies.
