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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 20 Nov 1968

Vol. 237 No. 5

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Waterford Electricity Supply.


asked the Minister for Transport and Power if he is aware that farmers in the Waterford area are experiencing great difficulty in getting the Electricity Supply Board to provide current for the operation of a number of bulk milk tanks; and whether he will take immediate action to speed up the provision of electricity in that area.

I am informed by the ESB that following recent meetings between the Board and a local co-operative society, the Board agreed to have supply connected to the maximum number of bulk milk tanks without interfering with essential work and mains improvement. The following is the programme:

From now until 31st December,

1968—16 tanks will be connected.

From 1st January to 1st March,

1969—53 tanks will be connected.

From 1st March to 1st May,

1969—32 tanks will be connected.

From 1st May to 1st June,

1969—16 tanks will be connected.

In addition, four will be connected between now and 1st March, 1969, as they are in areas which are scheduled for connection under the rural electrification post-development scheme. The remaining 28 are major jobs and connection of this lot will not be completed until the 31st October, 1969.

I am arranging to have the matter discussed with the ESB to see what improvement in this timetable is possible.
