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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 3 Dec 1968

Vol. 237 No. 10

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - County Development Team Secretaries.


asked the Minister for Finance if he will state, in relation to the recent competitions for county development team secretaries, the basis for the selection of certain candidates for interview to the exclusion of others who appeared to have equal and, in some cases, better qualifications than those selected.

The candidates for interview were selected by the Civil Service Commissioners solely on the basis of the qualifications specified for the position in the published regulations. The information as to their qualifications was, of course, supplied by the candidates themselves, subject to scrutiny subsequently on the part of the Civil Service Comissioners.

Without knowing what candidates the Deputy has in mind, I cannot deal more fully with the matter but, in the light of what I have said, I cannot accept the implication of the question.

Would the Taoiseach not agree that there would appear to be a case for an examination of the basis of selection in view of the fact that at least one candidate—an energetic, fully qualified applicant with a B.Comm. degree—was not considered while, on the other hand, a person without any qualifications was? Would the Taoiseach agree, in view of that, to hold any appointments until this appointment is examined? We believe everybody should have a fair chance and that does not appear to be the case in this instance.

We have always proceeded in this House, and rightly so, on the basis that the Civil Service Commissioners are completely objective and operate without any outside interference. On this occasion they advertised certain posts and they got some hundreds of applications, the applicants themselves setting out the qualifications necessary and other qualifications they thought might improve their prospects. There was a screening operation, which is not unusual, and the screened candidates were then called for interview. This procedure was followed meticulously in this case and, of the hundreds of disappointed applicants, I am sure many felt they were better men than those selected.

I will supply the name of the person I have in mind to the Taoiseach so that he can go fully into the matter.

The Deputy can supply the name to me. I can only pass it on.

Does this question concern County Kerry or the whole country?

That does not arise from the question.

It is the question the Taoiseach answered.
