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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 13 Mar 1969

Vol. 239 No. 3

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Sligo Housing.


asked the Minister for Local Government (a) the number of applicants for housing in Sligo town, (b) the number of houses available there at the moment, (c) the number of houses that will be available in the next six months and (d) when it is expected the backlog will be cleared.


asked the Minister for Local Government the number of families living in condemned houses in Sligo town; and what action he intends to take to remedy the situation.

With your permission, a Cheann Comhairle, I propose to take Questions Nos. 14 and 15 together.

I would refer the Deputy to my reply to Question No. 44 of 3lst October, 1968, on the subject. More up-to-date information regarding housing applicants is not available in my Department. According to the council's statutory assessment of housing needs, there are seven families living in unfit dwellings in Sligo borough. 40 dwellings will be completed by the corporation shortly and 36 Agency dwellings should become available by the end of the year. I sanctioned a loan of £30,000 for land acquisition recently and I am approving tenders this week for 48 more corporation dwellings.
