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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 20 Mar 1969

Vol. 239 No. 5

Ceisteanna — Questions. Oral Answers. - Farmyard Manure Spreaders.


asked the Minister for Industry and Commerce if there is a duty on farmyard manure spreaders being imported into this country; if so, for what reason; and what is the level of import duty.

There is a duty of 22.5 per cent, full and preferential, 15 per cent, special preferential, 10.5 per cent, Great Britain, and 9 per cent, Northern Ireland, on farmyard manure spreaders. The duty which had been suspended was reactivated with effect from 3rd February 1969 to afford protection to Irish manufacturers. Duty-free licences are granted for the import of spreaders of British and Northern Ireland origin.

Does this, in effect, mean that one firm in this country have been given the monopoly and that all competition is eliminated as a result? Is this not an additional impost on farmers?

That is not true. There is competition from British made manure spreaders.

They carry a duty.

No. Duty free licences are granted. From the information available to me and from my own personal knowledge, the product produced in this country is an excellent one. In fact, it is better than the imported product.

If what the Minister has said is true, and this is a firm in his own area, why is it necessary to put on a protective tariff? If that statement is correct it should be able to stand up on its own.

You have to give it time to stand up.
